
Media Training

Hot Seat's media training courses are tailor-made to suit you and the type of media exposure you anticipate. We will familiarise you with the workings of the media; help you develop clear, engaging messages; and develop the practical skills you need to deliver those messages in a confident, effective manner.

Outline of a typical Media Training course:

Introduction to Media Training: Covers the structure of a typical interview, what the journalist is looking for, how to prepare and how to develop effective content and messages.

Filmed TV Interviews: Videoed interviews followed by playback and analysis. Use of examples and statistics, handling difficult topics, and tips on body language and dress.

Recorded Radio Interviews: Use of the voice, honing key messages, dealing with negative or aggressive questioning. How to handle mistakes and re-takes.

Filmed Press or Location/Down-the-Line TV Interviews: Opportunity to further practise everything learned, and to improve any remaining weak areas.

Watch the video below for an example of very smooth interview technique, with multiple key messages, a personal example, interaction with the journalist, and a memorable statistic:

Get in Touch

To discuss your media training needs with Neil McNeil, please get in touch here